11 day until the wedding.
my brain is on autopilot.
i might do or say silly things.
this is brought on by stress and the only cure is to be a bride.
side affects might include, but are not limited to:
saying things that don't make sense, forgetting your name, mailing your invitation to the wrong address, freak out fits, crying attacks, deliriousness, extreme energy, crashing from sugar highs, over zealous excitement, panic attacks, over committing to do things that are not possible, day dreaming, nervous eye twitches, ect.
thank you for understanding and giving me candy.
i used to have wedding nightmares like i would forget where the wedding venue was or i forgot to put my makeup on. and a month before the weekend, i broke out in hives for like a week from the stress. during the wedding, i forgot my lines.... when i look back, it was so much fun, but i'll never go through that again. you will have a beautiful day. i promise.
KATIE! My name is KATIE! **twitch**twitch**
oh im having the wacky dreams.
when do they stop?
do they ever?
last weekend i dreamed joel called off the wedding right before i walked down the aisle...i thought he was kidding. i said well then can we get married tomorrow since everyone is here already... he said no i never want to marry you. i was real pissed.
i told joel about my dream- he said that is mean and he would never say that...goodthing. whew!
is that you being bridezilla?
-I promise to remind you of important people's names (including your own).
-I promise to help you with whatever you need.
-I promise to smack you if the need arises (don't worry, it won't hurt).
-I promise to hold your eye when it starts to twitch.
-I promise to have a flask, filled with booze on me at all times throughout the next week, in case of an emergency.
-I promise to be the best older sister a girl could ever have.
I heart you Danelle Petersen. My bro is one lucky son-of-a-gun.
i am one lucky gal of a sal. thanks linsey i almost cried there. i got a pepermintini for you!!
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