Thursday, September 03, 2009

alma mater rainy reunion

today i visited my good ol alma mater, uno, to speak to one of my old favorite professors (hugh reilly's) pr class.
i went to talk to his students about volunteering to be on my public affairs help me with media and all that jazz at disasters, fires, etc.
it was great to be on campus again.
just walking in the door of arts and sciences i am reminded of the thousands of hours spent in that old building.
as the scent of the old building mixed with cheap coffee from the quarter machines hit me i instantly reminded of how much i missed the place.
rainy days on campus always remind me of jimbo and i walking by the epply building.
i would always say, 'i hate this weather'
he would always say, 'i love this weather'
we would chuckle and continue on our way to class through puddles.
today i visited with some old advisers, who are now friends, checked out their new digs and caught up on everything that has changed on campus.
i also bought a new mavs hoodie for this fall and cant wait to wear it.
a lot has changed, and its amazing how the students look younger to me, but one thing will never change: uno will always hold a special place in my heart.
go mavs!

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