Thursday, July 17, 2008

whirlwind week

what the heck happened?
this week has been insane.
i expected a lot of catch up after being gone for almost 2 weeks, but come on man.
monday worked close to 12 hours at the blood drive after just getting home from dallas that night before.
tuesday had microsoft projects training all day then small group and crazy lightening storms all night.
wednesday crazy server at work denied me access to everything all day. then that night we decided to go looking at houses again and actually start the bidding process on our dreamboat house. get home after 11pm...hardly sleep a wink.
thursday meetings from 9am-1:30pm basically. go to lincoln to meet miss nebraska, who is a blood advocate and her platform is helping build up the blood supply. she is super sweet and we cant wait to work with her. did i mention we were bidding on a house. back and forth all day on numbers, money, etc. wedding consultation for wedding im shooting next month right after work. meet mom and randy for dinner. get call that our bid had a ridiculous counter offer on it. we are letting them sit and spin.
tomorrow probably will have tons of fun too.
cant wait.
more to come on the house.
pray we get it for what we want it for!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Whew! I'm exhausted just reading about it!