It's a hard job, but someone has to do it.
I absoluely love not working for the man. I work for the most awesome woman and love every moment of it.
Today Jimbo and me took one of our beloved trips to Starbucks and Target.
We got 4 lbs of coffee and three different types of creamers for the office.
We had a Lisa Loeb sing along on the way home and it was AWESOME!
Our 2 coffee pots showed up from Amazon today- one black and one white so...
We brewed some up when we got back and it was delightful.
Jimbo and I like the caramel vanilla creamer.
John and I discovered I used approximately 4 times more beans then I needed.
All in all the coffee trip turned out to be a success.
Except when I tripped on the puppies, spilled the coffee and scolded my thumb and Popeye's small puppy body.
Yay! Beans!
i'll show you beans!
p.s. you're such a bitch for spilling hot coffee on a puppy. WHY ARE YOU SO HEARTLESS?!
shut it! I did not purposely trip and almost burn our faces off.
i still love you. even if you do hate puppies.
Sounds like a super day at work, now you can put on your resume that you know how many beans you need for a pot of coffee. :)
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