meet my dear friend janessa.
i have know her pretty much she was born.
her older sister kylee and i grew up best friends and partners in crime at mary's daycare. my little sister and janessa grew up the same way chasing us around.
we were pretty much all inseparable.
this is one of my slumber party favorites...
notice the keen details i had as a make-up artist even back then.

janessa is now a beautiful 23 year old girl who now lives out in nc. she was taken to the dr on oct 27 with what she thought then was the flu and strep throat. it then escalated to pneumonia and strep a. she was transported to another hospital and put on ventilator and put into a drug induced coma. later that week things were looking up a bit and she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. she finished her first round of chemo last wednesday. her tough little body has fought like a champ thus far.
janessa is a fighter. she has always been.
but she is still very critical.
we need your prayers for healing more than ever.
prayers that her earthly body be fully restored and that an overwhelming peace comforts her and her family. prayers that her doctors and nurses know the best treatment options. prayers that her family will have no worries about money or travel experiences. prayers that the girl we love will not be in pain. prayers that all those at camp janessa will be comforted when words arent enough. prayers that their afflictions are eclipsed by mercy and they realize just how great his love is for them...
its killing me not being able to be in nc with them. to offer my homemade cupcakes and hugs.
if you want to help the batchelors you can make a donation to the janessa batchelor fund at any wachovia bank. you can also get more info on how you can help by emailing campjanessa@gmail.com.
i love you janny and i know you can beat this nasty cancer.
i have had the pleasure of meeting many leukemia survivors at the red cross...and i know you too will be a great testament to the power of prayer and the gift of life.
Danelle, that was beautiful and I thank you. Thank you for everything you do for us. Love you!
Danelle that was beautiful, thank you. And thank you for all that you do for us. Love you!
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