Ok so after blogging for like 2 hours last night and the internet crashed and erased one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever written at 4am or anytime...I was very sad to say the least...Which lasted like a total of 3 seconds. Because I am engaged!
So the day was perfect!
I started off the day by working in the SPAMoblie with my favorite ladies...Megan, Linsey and Heatha (for a bit)
I then got the final negotiation done for my new job in advertising! I start at O'Brien Industries a week from Monday. I will be an official Copywriter! Doing ads for huge campaigns in the tech industry...Like Sony, Intel, Dell ect...
Later on I found out the IKEA furniture I found on Criegs List is now mine!! A whole living room set, including super Swedish sofa, for $220! I'm beyond pumped!
I get all dressed up to go on a date with my boy...Tell Heatha I feel like he is going to propose soon. She says how to do you know. I say, "I can feel it."
(Boy was I right)
So we were supposed to go on a picnic...But I was so hungry I couldn't wait. I ruined that idea.
Then we went and had dinner at a fabulous little Italian place (Fazolies).
Got candy and made our way to Council Bluffs to see the new Pirate movie at the Drive-in. I have to have candy. I love it.
Nibs for Joel, chocolate covered raisins for me.
We get there and the line is all of the way down and across town twice...I talked too much at dinner and wasted too much time.
Noway we were getting in to see the movie start in 8 minutes...
So we cruise around back into Omaha.
We see that new UP train up on the hill over looking the city and Joels like lets go up there. I'm like ok fun! (He always said we would get married on top of a mountain)
So we make our way back there and the gates are locked.
No go.
Owe well I say. Lets drive around and look at lofts downtown.
Then we run into a building that my work might be moving into downtown..I've heard about its gloriousness, and saw the smokestack coming down the street.
I'm crossing my fingers we move in there...
Lets try to find the Joslyn Castle I say. Ok
Well I had a very rough idea where it might be...Nope!
Never found it. That's cool.
I love cruising with my man to smooth jazz on the radio on a beautiful summer night.
It was fun. Our own adventure.
We saw tons of awesome Dundee houses and talked about moving into one of them someday.
We then cruise back to Omaha and stop and pick up some movies.
My pick night.
I get French romantic comedy He loves me, He loves me not with the lovely Audrey Tautau...Love her...And then Scotland, Pa with the lovely Christopher Walken love him more! We then pick up some Apt finders and House magazines.
So we go feed Penny cat. Then head to his place and flip through all of the Apts.
We don't know what a Villa is...But we decided we want one.
He mentions how he is broke, I say why? Where did all of your tax return go?
(Note: he told me like two years ago- when he got a tax return I would get a ring. And everyday since tax season I have asked...Where is my ring? My finger is cold..If it had a ring...yada yada. Everyday I never fail...Either does his sister Linsey...Love you lins)
He says he spent his money. I said what you get?
Did you get me a pony? Cotton Candy? Gummy bears?
It is this point I see him looking at me in the eyes like when we first met...
I get butterfly's and start freaking out inside.
This is it I think! OMG
His pupils get bigger and bigger...Like that cute lil puss in boots on Shrek.
Then I realize how serious he is and how much he loves me.
He tells me he went shopping with his sister...I guess when I'm in Europe.
Correct. The day I was on my way home. Him and Lins took the day off and went to Lincoln.
I got a feeling on the plane! I knew it. Meghan, Jennie and Katie and I were freaking out!(I later find out the band had to be special ordered that day...Otherwise I would have gotten it then.)
I just sit there like yes....Giggling and fidgeting nervously.
He notices and says you are getting fidgety.
I'm like so...I fold this little ATM slip I find into a tiny Chinese fortune teller and start making it talk...Weird.
So he's like yes...Staring and staring
I'm like soo.
And he's like I cant be patient anymore.
I'm like what? Did I hear you right?
He tells me how patient I have been and how much he loves me.
We kiss.
He stares more.
Then he says close your eyes and put out your hand.
Then I do, giggling as butterfly's crash into my to pumping heart.
Pick and hand he says.
I say if it's what I think it is I want left.
I hear the little snapping of a little box.
I open my eyes and stare straight into his...I don't even glance at the ring that I have wanted for so bad for four years.
"Danelle I love you, Will you marry me?"
I say "Let me think about it."
One second later: "YESSSS!"
We kiss again!
I look at the most beautiful round solitaire, tension set floating diamond in white gold ring EVER!
I jump up and down on the bed!!
I love it, he remembered everything I wanted right down the fat band size.
Thanks Linsey for secretly finding out my ring size, you sneaky sneakster.
I then hear of all the secrets Joel has been keeping. He ordered it the 24 of May. Had it shipped to his guitars players, Thanks Dave, house...For tax purposes.
Meet him Monday to pick it up when it came in and kept it in his pocket since then...Waiting to ask.
I guess he told his sister, mom, dad, my dad and cousin and some pals...But no one knew when he would ask.
He was waiting and waiting and getting nervous and going crazy with excitement.
The 4th of July was too busy...
The next day we just lied back...
And finally I sabotaged a picnic, make us late for the movie and well...
It was perfect.
I wouldn't change a thing.
I love Mr Joel Schlegelmilch and he loves me
-Danelle- soon to be Schlegelmilch
Ps- We are working a date...If anyone has the hook ups at Sokol let me know...It's gonna be a Rock N Roll wedding like you have never seen!
More details to come!
i'm crying!!!
i loved every minute of that...you make me believe in all the bullshit.
i think i'm crying too! oh, the day has finally come. after countless times talking about it, it's finally here!!!
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